Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Citrus Energy

Profile of Citrus Energy from information gathered from company's Web site

Company Web site: http://www.citrusenergy.com

The company is private, not publicly traded. It has signed natural gas leases with the Wyoming County Landowners Group.

According to the company, operations in the Marcellus Shale will lead to an office opening in Pennsylvania. The company has offices in Castle Rock, Colo. and Plano, Tex.

Company owners are: Lance Peterson and David Oberbrockling. Oberbrockling is an engineer and Peterson, a geological engineer.

The company has operations in Oklahoma, Texas, Washington and Pennsylvania.

The company says it has drilled and completed several wells.

Texas: The company says it has a significant presence in the Barnett Shale, holding in excess of 20,000 acres.

Washington: The company says it has acquired or has options to acquire 70,000 acres in the Vader Coal Bed Methane Project. The company says it expects to begin development of the project late in 2008.

Pennsylvania: The company says it now has leasing operations and has formed a partnership with a drilling company to drill.

The company says its partners include: Oklaco Holding, a geologic/land company; Clearwater Enterprises, a gas marketing and consulting company; and, Boom Drilling.

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