Monday, September 15, 2008

Chesapeake Energy

Chesapeake Energy publishes a newsletter quarterly for its divisions.

On Monday, I received a newsletter for the eastern division.

Titled 'Community Ties,' the newsletter is a, 'quarterly publication from Chesapeake Energy Corporation for the benefit of community leaders.'

Though I'm not a community leader (just a reporter by anyone's account so was surprised to get the newsletter!), I was glad to receive the newsletter, which highlights the company's contributions to communities located in its eastern division, including NEPA and the Southern Tier.

The newsletter is an example of how Chesapeake attempts to put out its story, unfiltered and from its point of view. It's pr.

For instance, the company says that it will be the sponsor of the "D&H Distance Run" this fall in Susquehanna County.

(Expect sponsoring of more community events by Chesapeake and other companies)

Chesapeake has also, "partnered with the Pennsylvania State University Extension Service to address questions and concerns," according to the newsletter. "Many parts of Pennsylvania and New York have experienced natural gas exploration, and Chesapeake wants to be a leader in providing accurate, balanced information to landowners and
community leaders," the newsletter states.

Chesapeake has set up a hotline for royalty owners. The call center number is, 1-877-CHK-1GAS. It is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.